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Showing posts from July, 2019

A Goal Without a Plan Is Just a Wish

I know, I know... We hear it all the time  🙉 S top the eye rolling and just consider this: Declare Your Intention I'm gonna save up enough money to do a weekend spa getaway. When I lose 10 pounds I'm going to buy that cute dress. I'll take some holidays when work is all caught up. I'll start eating more healthy next week. Some day I'll have a side hustle that generates as much money as my day job. I'll spend more time with my family when things settle down. I'll start exercising when I have more time. All of this sounds pretty awesome right? Who doesn't want at least one of these things? I bet you've said or heard something like at least one of these EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. One problem. Do you notice something they all have in common?  There is no HOW. There is no THIS IS WHAT I'M DOING. Like magically down the road these things will just drop into our laps fully formed and ready to rock. So much "I'm going to",...

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