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Showing posts from December, 2019

Looking for a New Year's Resolution to Improve Your Health?

Feeling the "new year, new you" impulse but don't know where to start?  Here's a fun list to get the brainstorm going: Drink more water. Get enough sleep. Meditate. Pick exercises you en joy. Eat more fruits. Eat more vegetables. Cut down on processed food. Love yourself. Purge negativity from yourself. Breathe. Deeply. Address emotional eating issues. Live a life with purpose. Improve your posture. Cut out soda. Learn to cook for joy. Bring a water bottle everywhere. Eat at the salad bar more often. Learn to say no. Stop smoking. Have healthy snacks. Try juicing. Try fruit & veggie smoothies. Get out more often. Exercise good dental hygiene. Hang out with healthy people. Join classes. Get plenty of sunlight. Practice random acts of kindness. Practice the art of appreciation. Eat a balanced diet. Exercise your smile. While they all sound like wonderful ideas, I suggest just picking one to start - this will help avoid the We...

The Beauty of Bullet Journal Collection Spreads

2020 Inspire Yearly Collections Printable Journal collections are a beautiful way of curating samples, ideas, events, or memories into one place you can revisit easily and often. They can also be used as a visual aid to set and monitor goals.  An example of this that I see most often is a book collection to keep track of which books you would like to read and then a way to mark them off as you read them.  How fun is that?  People make collection pages for all kinds of things - favourite quotes, ideas for self care, gift ideas, birthdays, anniversaries, bucket lists, the sky's the limit! One of my favourite concepts for collection pages is creating a way to easily enjoy a collection of something else that isn't easily portable or needs a lot of space to display if you were so inclined.  One of those things many planner enthusiasts have is... their washi collection. You might have drawers and storage bins of it, and love it, but can't easily visit it in all i...

Small Hacks to Increase Your Productivity Starting... NOW!

What's that? Another list? Absolutely! 😂 I love lists because they are like a kick start to a brainstorming session. You've come to the list because you are looking for a solution or an idea. The list might not have exactly what you need, but odds are there will be something in the list that resonates with you. Take that thing and run with it. Focus on it, tweak it to suit your uniqueness! Plan your day the night before. Get the big rocks in. Do the hardest task first. Single-task high-level work. Multi-task low-level work. Ditch the unimportant. Use a to-do list for important tasks. Use a do-later list for less important tasks. First be effective, then be efficient. Quit procrastinating. Get a head start. Practice the 80/20 rule. Clear you mind - do a brain dump. Be organized. Delegate where needed. Master your skills, learn from the best. Be well rested. Improvise on your performance. Create your life handbook. Batch similar tasks. Reward yoursel...

Clearing Space for the Important Things

Does your to-do list span the length of your arm? Do you feel like there is too much to remember and not enough time in the day to get it all done?  Now let me ask you this. Have you ever looked into your options of automating and delegating regular life to-do's? People and companies out there have come up with some extremely creative and affordable options as they have recognized there are a ton of regular folk out there that just need some help relieving the pressure. Remember, YOU are a priority. If you have access to ways to take regular life things off your plate so that they are easier - or even better - take care of themselves, this clears space for you to spend time with the things you value.  Do something fun with the kids, go on a date night, take time for a little self-care with the stereotypical bubble bath, or just take five minutes to breathe and recenter.  Here are some of the services I've found and tried, or am wanting to try in the next few month...

Current Fav Books!

Express Yourself!